Lovely Ladies, CONGRATULATIONS! The world celebrates WOMEN for an entire month (March) and the various societal accomplishments/ contributions made on our behalf.
Yet, in reflection—do you realize the ORIGINAL Celebrator of womankind is her Creator—God?! He celebrates you...year round!
At times does the world, your family or yourself cause you to feel small or less than the best?
Do you find yourself using negative “self-talk” or being your worst critic?!
Let’s go BACK to The Source of the matter…
“And the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man He made(fashioned, formed) into a woman, and He brought her and presented her to the man.”
Genesis 2:22AMPC
The Hebrew word for “MADE” is a powerful one!
It’s the word—BANAH
Genesis 2 uses two different words for the forming and fashioning of the man and the woman. The two words give insight into differences...
This past weekend I spent a few days at the ocean to get quiet with God, read, reflect and ponder about current life questions. After 3 days, I realized I had to “come off the mountaintop” and back to the valley of life.
I reluctantly packed my bags, yet am excited about the new opportunities for the upcoming month. The weather forecast stated sunny skies, yet cautioning the listener to beware of road debris from an overnight coastal wind storm. Based on that information, I decided to return home using the interstate highways versus the tree-lined scenic route.
I put on my baseball cap, grabbed my sunglasses, placed my two dogs in the car, loaded the luggage, then said a prayer before pulling out of the parking lot.
Within 20 minutes I was on the sunny interstate cruising at 60 miles per hour with the GPS quoting an ETA of four hours. Thirty miles into the trip in my rearview mirror I notice a car bobbing and weaving in the distance at an accelerated...
The G.E.M Club – God’s Exclusive Masterpiece! The purpose of this group is to encourage, inspire and motivate those who KNOW they are made for more. Diamonds are formed under PRESSURE and are often undervalued until they are uncovered, cleaned off and then held up to the Light!
This group is for: Visionaries who’ve been under the pressure, Visionaries who feel “hidden or discounted at the moment”, Visionaries to fulfill their God-given dream and for visionaries who desire to discover their specific purpose. Ultimately for visionaries who will SHINE with God’s Light!
You will be the first to receive special event/ training notices with GEM Club only promos. You will have once a week access to ask your questions of GEMCoach MJ.
You are also welcome to post Prayer Requests for your goals, business/ministry desires, and guidance for next steps. Our GEM Team Leaders will stand in faith with you.
“Everyone who is called by My Name, Whom...
Welcome my BRILLIANT Friend to the Blog launch of — “ YOU WERE MADE FOR MORE!”
Please get yourself to a comfy place with a warm cup of your favorite beverage before we move forward.
This conversation is certainly of divine inspiration as the sound of the word “BLOG” for many years sounded so awkward to my ears?! BLLLLAAAAOOOOGGG!…LOL
The purpose of this post is to encourage, inspire and challenge the reader as I too am challenged each day on this journey called…LIFE!
After 40 adult years of travel, career, business, ministry, and relationship experience with its multitude of learning moments —good, bad, ugly, funny, exhilarating, painful or sad— regardless they always lead me back to trusting God!
My heart is to exhort, edify and support other misunderstood visionaries—those who KNOW in your heart, there is MUCH that God wants to fulfill through YOUR life! Yet,...
There is a memorable line in a famous movie stating...
Do you recall the movie and the actor who boldly cried that now historic quote?
Well, I am here musing over the statement while multi-tasking---preparing for a trip, handling family matters and learning new technology to HELP more people! -WHEW-...I simply feel SQUEEZED, PRESSED...I feel the FIRE!
Isaiah 48:10 ESV /
“Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction.”
When we are feeling PRESSED, God is right there to walk us THROUGH the heat, through the pressure!
Diamonds are produced under the most stressful of conditions (pressure and abnormal heat) to TRANSFORM them from mere carbon into GEMS!
Geologists are still guessing how diamonds formed in the Earth from 1 billion to 3 billion years ago, according to a recent study in the journal Nature, but they think the recipe follows something like this: